Publications (Selected)

George Legrady, “Pockets Full of Memories: An Installation integrating Data Collection and the Kohonen SOM Algorithm” in Art, Museums and Digital Cultures, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Spring 2021)

George Legrady, “Big Data” for Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Digital Media Art, Volume 2 (Spring 2021)

George Legrady, “Enzyklopädie der Medien: Medien und Literatur [Encyclopedia of Media: Media and Literature]” edited by Peter Weibel, ZKM Publications, Karlsruhe (2021)

Zhang Weidi, Donghao Ren, and George Legrady, "Cangjie's Poetry: An Interactive Art Experience of a Semantic Human-Machine Reality" in Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 4, no. 2 (2021): 1-9

Zhang Weidi and Donghao Ren, "Cangjie's poetry" in ACM SIGGRAPH 2021 Art Gallery, pp. 1-3. (2021)

Zhang Weidi and Donghao Ren, "Cangjie" in SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 Art Gallery, pp. 1-1. (2020)

George Legrady and Rama Hoetzlein, "Making Visible the Invisible: A Data-Driven Media Artwork,in Continuous Operation for 15 Years" in ACM Siggraph '19 (2019)

George Legrady,"Shifts in the Photographic Paradigm through Digitality & the Aesthetics of Noise" in "Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New Strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving Digital Humanities", edited Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, Eveline Wandl-Vogt, in Digital Art History conference publication pp.49-60 (Fall 2019)

George Legrady, "Changement de paradigme pour la photographie numérique et l’esthétique du bruit" translated by Marie-Laure Cazin in "Architectures de Mémoire", edited by Jean-Marie Dallet, and Bertrand Gervais, Les Presses du Réels, Paris (2019)

George Legrady, "Blanket Toss Under the Midnight Sun" , Chapter on James Bay Cree, 15 photographs, author Paul Seesequasis, Random House, Canada (2019)

Fabian Offert, "Past, Present & Future of AI", The Gradient (2019)

Fabian Offert, "Images of Image Machines. Visual Interpretability in Computer Vision for Art", Proceedings of the ECCV (2019)

Fabian Offert, "Hands on Circuits. Preserving the Semantic Surplus of Circuit-Level Functionality with Programmable Logic Devices", in: Hands on Media History, ed. by John Ellis, Nick Hall, Routledge, (2019)

Jieliang Luo and Hui Li, "Dynamic Experience Replay" at 2019 Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL). (2019)

Jieliang Luo and Weidi Zhang, "Lavin" in ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Art Gallery, pp. 1-2. (2019)

Jieliang Luo, Sam Green, Peter Feghali, George Legrady and çetin Kaya Koç: "Reinforcement Learning and Trustworthy Autonomy" in Cyber-Physical Systems Security. Springer (2018)

Fabian Offert, "I know it when I see it. Visualization and Intuitive Interpretability", NIPS 2017 Symposium on Interpretable Machine Learning

Jieliang Luo, Donghao Ren, George Legrady: Anamorphic fluid: exploring spatial organization and movements of images in a simulated fluid environment. VINCI 2017: 63-64

Angus Graeme Forbes, Andres Burbano, Paul Murray, George Legrady: Imagining Macondo: Interacting with García Márquez's Literary Landscape. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 35(5): 12-19 (2015)

Javier Villegas, George Legrady: Creating coherent animations from video. IJART 7(2/3): 148-162 (2014)

Marco Pinter, Angus Graeme Forbes, Danny Bazo, George Legrady: Generation of Engineering Research Directions Through Artistic Process. ArtsIT 2014: 28-35

Angus Forbes, Tobias Höllerer, George Legrady: Generative Fluid Profiles for Interactive Media Arts Projects. Computational Aesthetics 2013: 37-44

George Legrady, Katherine Scott, R. J. Duran: The James Bay Cree Visual Ethnographic Digital Online Cultural Atlas. Culture and Computing 2013: 129-130

George Legrady, Danny Bazo, Marco Pinter: SwarmVision: autonomous aesthetic multi-camera interaction. ACM Multimedia 2013: 737-740

George Legrady, Danny Bazo, Marco Pinter: SwarmVision: autonomous aesthetic multi-camera interaction. SIGGRAPH ASIA Art Gallery2013: 23:1-23:4

George Legrady, Marco Pinter, Danny Bazo: Swarm Vision. SIGGRAPH Art Gallery 2013: 408-409

Javier Villegas, George Legrady: Generating Time-Coherent Animations from Video Data. ArtsIT 2011: 108-117

Angus Forbes, Tobias Höllerer, George Legrady: "behaviorism": a framework for dynamic data visualization. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 16(6): 1164-1171 (2010)

George Legrady, Javier Villegas, Andres Burbano: The "We Are Stardust" installation. ACM Multimedia 2009: 1087-1090