Journey of magic books
MAT 259, 2022
Zijian Wan
I'm interested in how often books about learning magic are checked out and how
long they have been kept (read). So, I ran the following query to obtain relevant
book checkout records.
(title LIKE '%magic%'
AND (title LIKE '%learn%'
OR title LIKE '%beginners%'
OR title LIKE '%tricks%'))
AND YEAR(cout) BETWEEN 2006 AND 2021;
Preliminary sketches
The records were obtained as a CSV file and preprocessed with Python (codes
attached below, "dataPreprocessing.pdf").
Each checkout/checkin record is visualized as a trajectory from the date the book
was checked out to the date it was checked in. The coordinates of the points that
consist of a trajectory are computed as follows. The z coordinate represents the
distance from the plane of that circle. Since the distance between two adjacent
year circles is fixed (which corresponds to 365 days), the z coordinate can be
calculated according to the days that the book has been kept by the reader. The x
and y coordinates are computed based on a polar coordinate system as shown in the
figure below. Note that both the angle phi and the length l are determined by the
month and day. In this way, the visualization form (which is like flowers) is
actually determined by the data instead of manually designed.
Then, I visualized the records in Processing. For each year, there is a circle.
Final result
I changed the radius of each circle to represent the total number of checkouts of
that year and the colors were updated for asethetic reasons.