Popularity of Harry Potter Series and Related Books
MAT 259, 2022
Yifei Liu

In my previous project, I obtained the results that the releases of HP films do not have much impact on the book alone but affecting the related book positively. In this project, my main goal is to visualize this result in 3D mode like a twist candy. Thus, the everyday checkout numbers of Harry Potter series (HP-1 to Hp-7) and five related books (Cchild, FBWTF, FBCG, Quid, and TBB) from 2006/01/02 to 2022/02/05 were collected by the query below.

SELECT DATE(cout) AS date, #title, COUNT(bibNumber) AS Counts, SUM(CASE WHEN itemType = 'jcbk' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS juvbook, SUM(CASE WHEN itemType = 'acbk' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS adultbook, SUM(CASE WHEN itemType = 'jccas' OR itemType = 'jccd' OR itemType = 'jccdrom' OR itemType = 'jcvhs' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS juvmedia, SUM(CASE WHEN itemType = 'accd' OR itemType = 'acdvd' OR itemType = 'acvhs' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS adultmedia FROM spl_2016.outraw WHERE title LIKE '%Harry Potter%' AND title LIKE '%sorcerers%' GROUP BY date #, title ORDER BY date

Preliminary sketches
I was inspired by the space-time cube, in each layer of which the x axis and y axis are space and z axis is time. The points of checkout number of 12 books will distributed like a clock on each layer. Then I feel like rather than layer of time, a helix can connect the end of each year to the first of the following year as time is continuous. Thus, the points of check number of 12 books per day will show like a twist candy.

I set the helix as the baseline of date, and it seems to be confused to set 12 helix timelines, so 12 books start at the same starting point.

To show the size of checkout number, points were replaced by ellipses, while size and transparency represented the level of checkout number. Interactive controlP5 buttons were added to control the present of each book.

Final result
To accelerate the interaction, ellipses were replaced by line, while stroke weight represented the level of checkout number. Menu was narrowed and move to bottom left corner, and button background and front ground color were modified as well. Interactive rollover was added.

All work is developed within Processing