The COVID-19 Pandemic introduced various health and lifestyle challenges, consequences, and disturbances, affecting the daily lives and routines of all people in some capacity. I am interested in investigating the patterns of library material check-ins (i.e. requiring that one checks out and brings back the item) from the SPL database in the two years before the COVID-19 pandemic (01/01/2018 - 12/31/2019) compared to the two years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (01/01/2020 - 12/31/2021). Furthermore, I am interested in how these trends vary by Dewey Classification, which is a system that organizes and classifies subject matter in the SPL database. The research questions and hypotheses detailed below were chosen based on my personal thoughts when examining the Dewey Classification system in detail. Discrete and continuous pictures of the queried data were investigated to provide a greater understanding of check-in trends in the SPL over the past four years.
Dewey system reference used:
Research Question 1 Results:
A) What is the check-in count number across ALL Dewey categories during the chosen pre-COVID time period versus post-COVID period (discrete)?
Total Check-in Count between 2018-2019 for ALL Dewey Categories: 4,790,063
- The top Dewey Category was 782.42166, with a count of 253494
Total Check-in Count between 2020-2021 for ALL Dewey Categories: 2,987,779
- The top Dewey Category was 782.42166, with a count of 136665
Therefore, total check-in count decreased as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
B) What is the percent change of check-ins from pre-COVID to post-COVID time periods?
Total check-in count decreased by a rate of (4,790,063 - 2,987,779) / 4,790,063 = 37.63%.
C) Which discrete Dewey Catalog ID has the highest check-in count before and after the start of the pandemic?
The most popular category of check-ins in both pre- and post-COVID time periods is the
general principles and form of secular vocal music (782.421), which is in the Arts and Recreation general category.
Research Question 2 Results:
A) The most popular big 10 Dewey category, both before and after the pandemic, is Arts and Recreation (700). Another interesting observation is that the order of the frequency of check-ins is preserved before and after the pandemic (although check-in frequency is not the same). The least popular Dewey category is Language (400).

B) Rate of change of check-ins:
7: 48.90% 6: 31.86% 3: 31.39% 9: 42.83% 5: 28.56%
8: 33.26% 1: 32.44% 2: 43.83% 0: 46.17% 4: 55.91%
The highest rate of change (i.e. decrease in check-ins) is in Dewey category 4, which is the Language category. The lowest rate of change (i.e. decrease in check-ins) is in Dewey category 5, which is the Science category.
C) How does check-in count change over time (between the years 2018 to 2021 inclusive, taking each day as a data point) across the four specified categories (continuous)?

From this display of the data, we can clearly see the abrupt decrease in check-ins due to the onset of the pandemic, with a bit of an increase back up again in 2021. All Dewey categories showed roughly similar trends across the four years.
Through these queries and subsequent presentation of the data, we can see how much of an
effect the pandemic has had over check-in activity at the SPL between the years of 2018 and 2021. Obtaining both discrete and continuous metrics enabled a more comprehensive picture of check-in trends. In general, check-ins at the SPL decreased after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is believed to be due to the significant changes in lifestyle and added challenges for many people as a direct result of the pandemic. A deeper investigation was conducted into check-in counts across the 10 general Dewey classification categories, as well as metrics for change over time. While Arts and Recreation was the most popular Dewey category before and after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the highest rate of change in check-ins occurred in the least popular Dewey category, which was the Language category.