Stock Prices
MAT 259, 2021
I have been really interested in the stock market recently. I’ve heard people saying things like ‘Buy the rumor, sell the news.’ Or ‘Price drops with good earnings and goes up with bad earnings.’, which is kind of counterintuitive. For this project, I’m interested in looking at how news/earnings reports/social media popularity actually affect the stock price.
Preliminary sketches
Use spy return as the baseline and plot the relative return for all 500 stocks in s&p 500 around spy. When there’s a news/earnings event/social media discussion, a point with different color will be drawn for that stock at that date. Different color represents the degree of different event. For example, green means good news, blue means bad news and the color will be in gradient to represent different degrees of good or bad news. I also want to show the aggregated results across all stocks for the entire time period of the data. The idea is to show the return of the stocks 1-5 days after the events. We will categorize the events based on their degree(good news->bad news; good earning->bad earing; popular->not so popular) And for each category, we will show the distribution of the return with boxplots.
Sketch is attached.
Final result