During this year’s winter break, my sister had recommended that I read the Maze Runner series,
as it was one of her favorite trilogies. After reading all three books, we decided to have a movie marathon
and watch all three of the respective movies. This got me thinking about how movie adaptations of book series’
affected the popularity of a series over time.
I specifically wanted to explore books that were part of a series, to see if interest in the book spiked
after the respective movie came out (ie. checkouts of book 2 in a series spiked after movie 2 came out).
In order to investigate this trend, I had to find books in a series that had a movie counterpart for each book.
This limits the books being looked at to those that were released / had movies come out while the database has
been active (2006 on). Books that fit this criteria included the Maze Runner series, the Twilight series,
the Hunger Games series, and the Divergent series.
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As seen in the graphs above, with the exception of Maze Runner, there is only one significant spike in each series.
This increase in checkouts for each book in the series appears to be associated with the release of the first movie in
the series. What I thought was interesting was that the subsequent release of movies related to the series didn’t spike
additional checkouts within the series, like I thought it might. One possible explanation for this could be that because
all the books in the series are published before the first movie is released, those who are intrigued by the movie can go
and read all the books in the series within the same year. Subsequent movie releases no longer trigger the same increase
in book checkouts because those who were interested enough in the series read it after hearing about it after the first

After looking at the charts in Figure 4 and seeing how the max number of checkouts for each book was during the same year,
I wanted to get a better breakdown of how the checkouts changed during the course of that year. I picked one series, Twilight,
and looked at a month by month breakdown during the year where the max checkouts was (2009) as well as the years before
and after.
Twilight, the first movie, came out on November 21, 2008. As seen on the graph, there is a huge spike in the number of checkouts
for Twilight, New Moon, and Breaking Dawn in December of 2008, which is just after the first movie came out.
New Moon, the second movie, came out on November 20, 2009. After the first movie was released in 2008, the checkouts
slowly declined, but there is a small spike following the release of the second movie, especially in checkouts of New Moon.
Eclipse, the third movie, came out on June 24, 2010. A small spike can be seen in checkouts of Eclipse in June and July of 2010.
On the graphs that had years as a scale, it appeared that the number of checkouts was only correlated with the date the first
movie was released. But, if breaking it down to a month by month basis, there does appear to be a small increase in the number
of checkouts for the books during the dates subsequent movies are released.