Movie Genre of the Seattle’s Library
MAT 259, 2020
Lu Ye
My topic is about movie genres, I want to explore the people’s preference to rent dvds on special day or season in Seattle. People might rent dvds and see movies to commemorate something, especially on special days, such as New Year, Valentine's Day, Easter, Christmas, and so on. I want to explore if people would love to see different kind movies on special day. I filtered out popular films(top 10 ) for each type of films from the dataset of most popular films in Seattle library and figure out the pattern of days that typical movies of different type were out of library.
title, date, COUNT(date) AS Counts, MIN(duration) AS days
title, DATE(cout) AS date,
TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, cout, cin) / 24.0 AS duration
itemtype like 'acdvd' AND
( title like "Into the wild" OR
title like "Burn after reading" OR
title like "Michael Clayton" OR
title like "No country for old men" OR
title like "reader" OR
title like "Atonement" OR
title like "Doubt" OR
title like "curious case of Benjamin Button" OR
title like "Slumdog millionaire" OR
title like "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" OR…
GROUP BY date, title, duration
) AS charts
GROUP BY title, date, days
Preliminary sketches
In my project, I use the shape of CD as outlook of the data visualization. All of the movies will be represented on the surface of the “CDs” using the shape of box with different colors(red represent action…). I use the edge of cds to measure dates. There are 12 months in total. I also use controller to filter out data on special day of season, so the viewer can see clear comparison of genres on special period.
The Radius distance present the counts of renting of each movies. The counts increase from the centre of a circle to the edge of a circle. When we move through year, we could see that the circle is getting smaller, because the renting counts is decrease through out year. And the Radioactive bar getting more continuous because of that the rental duration is getting longer.Most famous films actually have more rental times in the end of year or the beginning of new year, for romance, People preferred to rent from April to July.
Final result