Language Learning Interest at Seattle Public Library
MAT 259, 2019
Meilin Shi

I’m interested in the checkouts within Dewey Class 400 – Language. For this project, I focused on 10 languages listed below and would like to see if there is a relative popularity in language learning at Seattle Public Library. To measure popularity, I used total checkouts number, average keeping time, and all checkout language related items from 2006 to 2018.
Dewey Language
420 English
430 German and related
440 French and related
450 Italian and related
460 Spanish and related
491.7 Russian
492.7 Arabic
495.1 Chinese
495.6 Japanese
495.7 Korean

Query #1 On total checkouts (27.002 sec)

    YEAR(cout) AS years,
    MONTH(cout) AS months,
    COUNT(IF(deweyClass >= 420 AND deweyClass < 430,1,NULL)) AS 'English',
    COUNT(IF(deweyClass >= 430 AND deweyClass < 440,1,NULL)) AS 'German & related',
    COUNT(IF(deweyClass >= 440 AND deweyClass < 450,1,NULL)) AS 'French & related',
    COUNT(IF(deweyClass >= 450 AND deweyClass < 460,1,NULL)) AS 'Italian & related',
    COUNT(IF(deweyClass >= 460 AND deweyClass < 470,1,NULL)) AS 'Spanish & related',
    COUNT(IF(deweyClass >= 491.7 AND deweyClass < 491.8,1,NULL)) AS 'Russian',
    COUNT(IF(deweyClass >= 492.7 AND deweyClass < 492.8,1,NULL)) AS 'Arabic',
    COUNT(IF(deweyClass >= 495.1 AND deweyClass < 495.2,1,NULL)) AS 'Chinese',
    COUNT(IF(deweyClass >= 495.6 AND deweyClass < 495.7,1,NULL)) AS 'Japanese',
    COUNT(IF(deweyClass >= 495.7 AND deweyClass < 495.8,1,NULL)) AS 'Korean'
    deweyClass >= 420 AND deweyClass < 495.8
        AND YEAR(cout) BETWEEN 2006 AND 2018
ORDER BY YEAR(cout), MONTH(cout);
Query #2 On average keeping time of items (first half: 39.168 sec, second half: 65.520 sec)

    class, years, months, AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, cout, cin)) AS AVG_TIME
        SUBSTRING(deweyClass, 1, 5) AS class,
        #SUBSTRING(deweyClass, 1, 2) AS class, #for deweyClass 420 to 470
            YEAR(cout) AS years, MONTH(cout) AS months,
            TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, cout, cin)
        YEAR(cout) BETWEEN 2006 AND 2018
            AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, cout, cin) > 0
  #    AND deweyClass >= 420 AND deweyClass < 470
           AND (deweyClass >= 491.7 AND deweyClass < 491.8
             OR deweyClass >= 492.7 AND deweyClass < 492.8
             OR deweyClass >= 495.1 AND deweyClass < 495.2
             OR deweyClass >= 495.6 AND deweyClass < 495.7
             OR deweyClass >= 495.7 AND deweyClass < 495.8)
    GROUP BY years , months , class , cin , cout) AS aTable
GROUP BY class , years , months
Query #3 On all checkout items (60.197 sec)

    COUNT(title) AS Counts,
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2006, 1, NULL)) AS '2006',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2007, 1, NULL)) AS '2007',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2008, 1, NULL)) AS '2008',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2009, 1, NULL)) AS '2009',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2010, 1, NULL)) AS '2010',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2011, 1, NULL)) AS '2011',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2012, 1, NULL)) AS '2012',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2013, 1, NULL)) AS '2013',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2014, 1, NULL)) AS '2014',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2015, 1, NULL)) AS '2015',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2016, 1, NULL)) AS '2016',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2017, 1, NULL)) AS '2017',
    COUNT(IF(YEAR(cout) = 2018, 1, NULL)) AS '2018'
    YEAR(cout) BETWEEN 2006 AND 2018
        AND (deweyClass >= 420 AND deweyClass < 470)
        OR (deweyClass >= 491.7 AND deweyClass < 491.8)
        OR (deweyClass >= 492.7 AND deweyClass < 492.8)
        OR (deweyClass >= 495.1 AND deweyClass < 495.2)
        OR (deweyClass >= 495.6 AND deweyClass < 495.8)
GROUP BY title , itemtype , deweyClass

For the 3D histogram, I put time on x-axis, languages on y-axis and checkout counts on z-axis. Because the checkouts number for English and Spanish are way too high, (i.e. they went out of the screen), I used log scale to show the numbers at this time. As we can see from the screenshot, there is not much variation within each language because of the log scale, but we can still see variation across languages.

Keepting time is shown as a line graph, time on x-axis, languages on y-axis and keeping time (in days) on z-axis. One thing to be noticed is the peak around January and Feburary 2018. And the pattern is same for all languages. I found out from my checkouts query that Jan and Feb 2018 data were missing. But in the keeping time query they are not, and the numbers are big (50-70 days) compared to the nearby months (10-30 days). I guess it is either because of the library closure or the library system went wrong at that time.

I also did a point cloud of all checkout items within these languages and map their checkout counts as the size of the point. All items are grouped by language or item type.

Final result
The legend buttons can be clicked to see the checkout items within each language or each item type.The majority of checkout item type are books. Interesting to see that the bigger dots (longer keeping time) are CD/CD-ROM items.

All work is developed within Processing
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