Most Popular Items by Checkouts 2006-2018
in Seattle Public Library
MAT 259, 2019
Jiaheng Tang
For this project, I decided to explore the most popular checked out items of each year, from 2006 to 2018. I picked the top 50 most popular item of each year, as well as the top 50 of the total checkouts.
I first constructed my SQL query to get the top 1000 most checkout items, below is the query I used.
This query took really long, for about 45 minutes.
I then ran a query to get the popular checkout items each year.
I just changed the YEAR(cout) to each year.
But I realized that I should get each checkout records of the top 50 most popular items to make it more interesting. Therefore I wrote a Python script to read the item number from the CSV file I got back, and dynamically construct the SQL query I needed. Here is the Python script,
and one of the queries it produced,
Preliminary sketches and process
I started out with the idea that I want to use a tunnel-like shape to represent time passing by. Then I will plot each record as a line, from the checkout date to check-in date. Here's my first draft.

I used different colors for the Dewey classes. However, I wasn't using x and y-axis for any information. For each record, I just generated a random point inside the circle.
Final result