Exploration of A Series of Unfortunate Events
MAT 259, 2019
Sarah Wells
For this project I explored the popularity of a favorite childhood book series: A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket.
The new Netflix series was released in three parts from 2017 to 2019, so I was curious the relationship between this releases and the series checkouts. I also was interested to see the proportional number of checkouts of each book in the 13 book series.
DATE_FORMAT(cout, '%Y-%m') AS yearmonth,
COUNT(*) AS count
title IN ('austere academy' , 'bad beginning',
'carnivorous carnival',
'ersatz elevator',
'grim grotto',
'hostile hospital',
'miserable mill',
'penultimate peril',
'reptile room',
'slippery slope',
'vile village',
'wide window')
AND callnumber IN ('J SNICKET' , 'DVD J LEMONY')
AND YEAR(cout) > 2018
GROUP BY title , DATE_FORMAT(cout, '%Y-%m')
ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(cout, '%Y-%m');
I created a pivot table in google sheets for the desired 2D data format. "TitleYearMonth Pivot Table 1.csv"
Then the first display I made showed Titles vs Months and represents popularity with shading and different colors for each title. I experimented with a number of color schemes but ended up using a rainbow to indicate the series progression pleasantly "darkerrainbow.jpg". [You can get back to this view by pressing 'o']
Final result