Form of News 3d Data Visualization of News searched in Centre Pompidou Library
from March 13th to March 26th
MAT 259, 2018
Weidi Zhang
What news people are interested most in current information overload society? What is people's habit to read news? what is the form of news aesthetically? This project is a 3d data visualization of the news seached in Centre Pompidou Library from March 13th to March 26th. By visualizing news data through algorithm, an interactive inside-out struture was formed and open to be explored as an informative narrative space.
CSV provided by Centre Pompidou Library and Prof.Legrady
Data Analysis and preliminary sketches
Portion of Raw Data
This is the raw data given by Pompidou Centre Library. Basically it shows 5 di erent kinds of data: They are SEARCH ID, TIMESTAMP, DOMAIN, URL AND TITLE
Some Facts I found from the Raw Data:
1. The timestamp each day is from 6:00 AM – 17:00PM
2. The seached times on each day from March 17th - March 22th is generally evenly distributed. However the number of search time on March 20th is nearly two times of others
3. Many of the domains visitors used are repetitive.
Thurs, I found out it will be interesting to include the counts of search times each day, while speci cally emphasize di erent time on each day to see it’s relationship with the content of news being searched.
I deleted column, url column.
Organized data includes:
Above the middle timeline means Morning Below the middle timeline means Afternoon Transparency is based on NUMBER OF COUNTS Type size is based on NUMBER OF COUNTS Rotation of lines is based on Time
Time can be read Vertically on side view, which means the Top points is 6 AM and the Bottom Points is 17 PM