3D Project
MAT 259, 2018
Echo Theohar
I was interested in a visualization that would resemble a pin board for the purpose of side by side comparison. The pinboard would be staggered back on its Z-axis but still maintain a side by side view. I also would have liked to incorporate some line relationships between the "swatches" (similar to the image below), but was too unfamiliar with the HE_MESH documentation to isolate exactly where each dot was drawing in the matrix, so I needed to scrap that last aspect of the idea.
For this project, I used the same dataset as my first project, but changed the format of the output CSV to resemble something like this:
Preliminary sketches
Here is an example of the pinboard I was visualizing. In the end I was able to get 5 boxes working with a matrix of "pins" within each one, similar to the 3D sketch I had initially made.
I found out that the HE_MESH library (a Java library for creating and manipulating polygonal meshes) was incompatible with certain features of some libraries, and completely prevented others from opening at all! For example, the HE_MESH library impacts the HUD function in peasy cam, leaving me unable to overlay text on the camera. Additionally, there is something that affects the zoom in orthogonal view in P3D. I do not know enough about the HE_MESH documentation to isolate the problem completely, but I would not recommend using this library if you can help it! I was working on a project unrelated to this class and noticed that I could not even run the basic video library released by the Processing foundation when I had HE_MESH installed.
I also found that I had trouble getting orthographic view to be compatible with both PeasyCam and HE_Mesh simultaneously, so I opted to drop ortho and go with the default perspective (though it looks much better with the former, as pictured below).
Final result
The final visualization was lacking a HUD due to the incompatibility between PeasyCam and HE_Mesh. That said, if I could do this project again, I would fix the spacing thats occurring in each of the boxes (whenever I attempt to shift the Z-axis it throws the X and Y axis off kilter), and I would probably redraw the matrix of dots by hand, instead of using HE_MESH to generate it. That way, I would have more control over the location of each dot, and hopefully be able to map relationships between the swatches on a Z axis.