3D Visualization || Seattle Public Library
MAT 259, 2018
Annika Tan
I followed the same theme of using terms like ‘feminism’ and ‘feminist’ from my first projects. I was inspired by the examples from the HE_Mesh library. My goal was to build a spherical harmonics or a shape similar to that. Spherical harmonics are used in mathematics and physical sciences. They are special functions and complete set of orthogonal functions defined on the surface of a sphere.
SELECT title, bibNumber, collcode, deweyClass, TIME(cout) AS times, DATE(cout) AS dates
FROM spl_2016.outraw
(title LIKE "%feminism%")
OR (title LIKE "%feminist%")
LIMIT 50000;
Data attributions
12,388 datasets
elements (string) - categorized under dewey classification
times (time) - item checkout time
dates (date) - item checkout date
counts (integer) - Categorized under collection code
titles (string) - item title
X-axis: time
Y-axis: dates
Z-axis: counts
color: elements
I was inspired by multiple examples from the HE_Mesh library.
This code is heavily based on Ref_WB_Voronoi_3D and Ref_WB_SphericalHarmonics.
I also referred back to Rodger's 3D tutorial to implement the data and
find a correlation between checked-out items and dewey class.
Final result
My visualization builds 4 stems. It is difficult to detect the relationship between the axes since the points seem sporadically random. We can see the most popular dewey classification category is in Social Studies (golden orange). I also noticed the dewey class without identification (None; white) is mostly concentrated towards the center.
In the future, I would want to focus on the months and years instead of the checkout time. Since a single item or an item with the same title can be checked out multiple times, I would conceptually lose more data points. My original SQL code keeps count for item checkout per year-month. Graphing the dataset on this information would allow viewers to see chronological changes with checkout spikes and dips. This can be due to popular feminist movements and the Women’s March.