The Trend of Checkout Numbers of Books During Corresponding Adaptation Film Released Time
From Seattle Library
MAT 259, 2016
Lu Liu

Books and movies remain the most popular cultural represent forms.
Will they have mutual impact on each other?
For example: When a film adapted from a book released, will the checkout number of this book in library increase?
I chose several adapted films respectively released on 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2014.Compare the checkout number of specific book in the normal time and the time after adaptation film released to find the trend over months and years.
And I use three-dimension space to construct my visualization.

DATE(checkOut) AS Dates,
TIME(checkOut) AS Times,
TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, checkOut, checkIn) AS CheckoutDur
title LIKE '% the da vinci code %'
AND SUBSTRING(itemType, 3, 4) = 'bk'
AND DATE(checkOut)>'20051231'

Preliminary sketches
The ellipses represent the years. (from 2006 to 2014).
The vertical axis represents the time of the day(from 12am to 12pm).
The color represents the amount of specific month. The brighter the color is, the larger the checkout number is.
The size of box represents the checkout time of each record.

I add lines to more clearly display the trend of chectout numbers of every month in released year.

Final result
Press "a" OR "A" on keyboard to show all the information of database.
Press "s" OR "S" on keyboard to show label.
Click the specific movie item on the label to see more details information about this adaptation movie and its correspond book.
press "p" OR ''P'': Display the record of every checkout by point.
press "b" OR "B": Display the record of every checkout by box.

All work is developed within Processing
Source Code + Data