I essentially used two queries for this. The first query was a modification of my original query in the first assignment that allowed me to gather unique bib numbers for each of the titles that I had in my list. The second query used the raw transactions table joined with the title table to pull bib numbers, titles, checkout date and time, checkin date and time, and a timestamp difference in hours between the two dates. I used the time stamp difference directly to compute the scale of a particle.
//Query 1
SELECT DISTINCT checkouts.bibNumber, title FROM spl3.`_rawXmlDataCheckOuts` AS checkouts
WHERE ((checkouts.title LIKE "%bad boy can be good%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "stolen life a memoir%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "starting with alice")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "%tango makes three%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "%athletic shorts%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "bless%ultima%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "bone vol 1%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "brave new world")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "adventures of captain underpants%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "crank")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "drama")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "fifty shades of grey")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "flashcards%life%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "gossip girl")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "golden compass")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "i know why the caged bird%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "its perfectly normal%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "looking for alaska")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "lush")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "my moms having a baby%")
OR ( checkouts.title LIKE "my sisters keeper a novel")
OR ( checkouts.title LIKE "nickel and dimed on%")
OR ( checkouts.title LIKE "olives ocean")
OR ( checkouts.title LIKE "persepolis")
OR ( checkouts.title LIKE "revolutionary voices%")
OR ( checkouts.title LIKE "saga volume one")
OR ( checkouts.title LIKE "scary stories to tell%")
OR ( checkouts.title LIKE "absolutely true diary%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "adventures of huckleberry finn")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "bluest eye")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "catcher in the rye")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "chocolate war")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "color of earth")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "color purple")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "earth my butt%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "glass castle")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "hunger games")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "kite runner")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "perks of being%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "thirteen reasons why%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "to kill a mockingbird")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "ttyl%" AND callNumber LIKE "%myracle%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "twilight")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "uncle bobby%")
OR (checkouts.title LIKE "what my mother does%"))
AND ((checkouts.checkout BETWEEN "2005-01-01" AND "2014-12-31")
AND (checkouts.`itemType` LIKE "%bk%"))
ORDER BY title, checkout
//Query 2
SELECT title.title, txs.checkOut, txs.checkIn, txs.bibNumber, TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, checkOut, checkIn) FROM spl3.`x_rawTransactions` as txs INNER JOIN spl3.`title` as title ON txs.`bibNumber` = title.`bibNumber`
WHERE ((DATE(txs.`checkOut`) >= "2006-01-01")) AND (checkIn IS NOT NULL) AND (txs.checkIn <= "2014-12-31")
AND (txs.bibNumber IN ('2453513', '2481055', '2746344', '2946060', '1757322','1632693', '1285221', '789957', '2166836', '547742', '1585918', '1644533', '1710746', '1370906', '1669075', '2414922', '2622715', '2716010', '2298706', '636150', '1634827', '2335915', '2452772', '3036722', '2227295', '1352046', '2525744', '124499', '1364051', '1923085', '2356219', '1987343', '1632629', '1285181', '2432782', '1285187', '66182', '1285189', '2573890', '1275101', '1632697', '1896500', '2372793', '2266835', '2689055', '3003535', '2812375', '2806542', '2196807', '2794842', '2862544', '2338323', '2612334', '2176385', '1659144', '2367748', '2306851', '2108336', '2507346', '2611504', '2665213', '1680627', '51344', '1833250', '491437', '2713673', '3010908', '1400520', '2629285', '3043012', '2170183','2197365', '2078798', '2447827', '2286653', '2390676', '2417282', '2296278', '2229627', '2244560', '2041508', '2162719', '2811214', '2208430', '1898787', '2183402', '2001667', '2841844', '464739', '203806', '2689855', '2142232', '2724328', '2674415', '1287304', '1975241', '1612258', '2391663', '2658714', '2238563', '2294743', '2831674', '2307613', '2280207', '2024643', '2123403', '2135876', '2335250', '2318828', '2146035', '2357004', '488263', '2458643', '2551743', '2689016', '2689233', '2967782', '2382573', '2479926', '2078709', '2176401'))
ORDER BY txs.checkOut