World's Top Wildlife Buyers and Sellers in 2016
MAT 259, 2018
Chengyuan Xu


The dataset I chose to visualize come from CITES, The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

Almost every member nation in the UN participates the CITES. Members are obligated to report on roughly 5000 animal species and 29000 plant species brought into or exported out of their countries, and to honor limitations placed on the international trade of these species.

This dataset includes all legal species imports and exports carried out in 2016 and reported to CITES, over 67,000 records in total.

Dataset Analysis

I start off with some Python preprocessing, to better understand the structure and metrics of this dataset. Here we see it contains 16 columns, which includes taxonomy, importer / exporter, quantity of each trade, and more.

Because the dataset contains many very detailed metrics, I found it is best to represent the trades based on importer and exporters, as they provide the most intuitive information of who are the major wildlife traders in the world. Since every trade records provides the info on both parties, we can also find out the trading status between all the countries, here I selected the top 10 importers and top 10 exporters (14 in total) to demonstrate.


For the visualization, I used an algorithms called the flocking simulation which are often used in computer graphics to mimic the flock of birds, to represent each trade as a boat that delivers from the exporter to the importer. All the agents, or boats in this system are aware of it's surroundings, each of them will find their way to the destination and avoid running into each other, align in a group and move together by constantly calculating its neighbors' speed and direction.

Final result

Shaders are used to speed-up the rendering. All the calculation of agents are real time and lifelike. As well as the dataset, although I used Pandas with Python to understand the data, all the data extraction and calculation are done in Processing, upon the original raw data. The system will create all the boats by matching information from two hash-tables that are created at the start of the demo, one for trade and one for the traders. So this gives me the ability to show more types of information with minimal changes to the code.


All work is developed within Processing
Source Code + Data