3D Interactive
MAT 259, 2012
Anis Haron
This project displays checkouts in each dewey class category (000 to 900) for the year 2009, 2010 and 2011. Total number of checkouts and absolute difference in percentage is displayed in a radar map, stretched into the z axis with each 'slice' representing one business day. Day, Month and Year selected are displayed on the top left, a 2d radar map along with the actual number of checkouts and difference percentage are displayed on the right hand side of the screen. User navigate through days using a slider located at the bottom of the screen.
and Sketches
For my 3d project, i wanted users to be able to navigate through each business day and view number of checkouts in a selected day, compare the data with previous years and at the same time be able to see the bigger picture. I'm interested in using radar map in 3 dimensions as it allows a clear mapping and comparison of data.

Result and
This visualization allows user to compare checkouts of a given day and month between the year 2009, 2010 and 2011. Shows the whole pattern of checkouts and the difference between the selected day and the previous day in a given year.

I used the PeasyCam library in Processing.
Run in Browser
Source Code
Click and drag mouse to control the camera.